Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
Minutes; Meeting for February 3, 2016 5:30p.m.
125 Bremer Street
Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Lisa Guglielmina at 5:34p.m. Members present: Betty, Lisa, Shellie, Briana, Serena, Terri, Cathleen, & Kathy. Late: Larry H. & Jody.
Approve Minutes of January 6, 2016 – MSC McCall/Defouw C. to approve the minutes of the January 6, 2016 meeting, as presented. 8 Ayes; 0 Noes; 13 Absent.
Officer Reports:
A. President-(Lisa) Lisa reported that Rehab Training was fun & informative; Support Services will have another Rehab Training soon, & Station clean-up was on Saturday 1/23/16 with the dorms having gutters put on, black-out curtains being hung inside, & the kitchen in the Station being cleaned.
B. Treasurer-(Terri) Terri reported she has nothing to report with Lisa to follow-up on calendar sales.
C. Logistics-(Shellie) Shellie reported the refrigerator outdates have been done, along with inventory taken in the freezer—there is hamburger, a lot of buns, items for lasagna, along with breakfast items for March’s dinner--as she will be unable to be here to cook, Shellie asked for volunteers from Support Services to cook next month’s dinner. The options are: breakfast for dinner, sloppy joes, lasagna, or she’ll need to go shopping before then.
Action Items:
A. Appreciation Dinner-(Scott) Lisa reported the Appreciation Dinner is on
B. 2/5/16 at 6:00p.m. It is semi-formal & Lisa asked those bringing hors d’oeuvres to please have them at the dinner by 6:00p.m. If not before.
C. Valentine’s Roses-(Lisa) Lisa reported she has pre-ordered 250 red roses with them (hopefully) arriving on 2/12/16. Work with the roses will begin on
Friday 2/12/16 at 10:00a.m., with them being sold by some of the firefighters in the front parking lot of ACE Hardware on Saturday 2/13/16. Lisa asked for some Support Services Members to help out the firefighters if they could; if the roses do not sell out on Saturday, the sale will resume on Sunday 2/14/16.
D. Live Fire Training-(Scott) Lisa reported Live Fire Training will be March or April (possibly) at Junction City School; Support Services will be refilling air tanks, providing food & hydration, along with rehabilitating the firefighters as they come out of the live fire. The 2nd Rehab Training Session will be on 2/23/16 at 4:00p.m. At Station One for those Support Services Members who couldn’t make the last training, & for the ones who would like more practice.
Committee Reports:
A. EMS- (Serena) Larry H. reported he inventoried the medical bags on the Engines, made a list of items needed, in which the list was given to Lisa.
B. Station Maintenance-(Tania) already discussed.
C. Equipment Maintenance- (Herk) Nothing to report.
D. Web Technology- (Mike) Lisa reported Mike has been doing a good job in keeping up with things & encourages Support Services to share photos with, either on Facebook or via his email.
E. Marketing- (Betty) Betty reported she will pass out Valentine’s Rose Sale flyers around town, & get more as needed.
Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting: Live Fire Training.
Adjourn: There being no further business; the meeting was adjourned at 6:05p.m.